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Image of Dovo of Solingen Mild Sharpening Red Strop Paste

Dovo of Solingen Mild Sharpening Red Strop Paste

This is Dovo of Solingen Abrasive Strop Paste is for use with either a hanging leather strop (not your daily ‘everyday use’ strop), handheld leather strop (green leather side) or handheld leather and honing stone strop (leather side only).The purpose of this paste is to assist in restoring the edge on a mildly dull straight razor.When used correctly, it can reduce the number of times that a razor needs to be honed.\n.
Best price: Dovo of Solingen Mild Sharpening Red Strop Paste
Category merchant: Shaving Shaving Accessories Strops and Strop Paste Honing and Wa

Price: 9.20 Pounds
from ExecutiveShaving

Brand : Dovo of Solingen

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Dovo of Solingen Mild Sharpening Red Strop Paste 9.20 Visit Store

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